Tuesday, May 19, 2015

First day of swim practice

Juliette had her first official swim practice. I was so excited for her because I remember like yesterday all the fun that was associated with the team. I grew up an Ashborough Alligator and may always feel like one. We are now part of the Daniel Island Flying Fish. 

Juliette was a bit apprehensive and as I requested a picture, she assured me that pictures were not allowed - the coach said. She can really make up some stories that is for sure!
Now Tripp was thrilled for her and even more thrilled that he would be able to do his own "schwimming"

His "schwimming" was running through the sprinkling pool and playing with a truck and his birdie squirt gun.

He was just thrilled with himself.

Juliette was so proud of herself. She swam three laps of the pool and was sure that this was going to be an exciting new adventure!

We are looking forward to lots of fun!

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