Monday, July 14, 2014

A relaxing trip to Chicago

In an attempt to escape the heat, we jumped on a plane for a long weekend and went to Chicago. We went with no itenerary and just enjoyed the days as they came. Tripp was happy just riding up and down Michigan Avenue in his stroller watching all of the people pass by. On our walk the first morning, we had a new catastrophe. Tripp wanted his "blue blankie" so I had him wrapped in it. Somehow walking, blue blankie fell off of his lap and we did not notice. While in Nordstrom's I realized that blue blankie was gone. Juliette was hysterical because as we all know she has such a special bond with her blankie. Tripp at the same time is saying "Juliette cry?? Blue blankie out "tere"" and pointing his finger. We decided to give it a shot and walk back the way we came. There was a special person looking out for us as we are crossing busy Michigan Avenue and spot blue blankie on a small iron fence post around some flowers. Someone actually picked the blankie off the ground and hung it up knowing someone will be back to look for that very loved blankie. After that blankie was very happy to rest in the hotel.

We had pizza two evenings as the restaurant was loud and the pizza was amazing! We knew we would disturb no one there and you cannot beat a Chicago style pizza.

The kids LOVED the hotel and enjoyed looking out the window at the city! Tripp was on the lookout for fire trucks because he kept hearing the normal sirens of a city. 

The most exciting part of the trip for Juliette was her trip to American Girl. Juliette has never had her own doll as she has mine whom she calls "Danette." Now Danette is quite special to her and we went with the plan of getting her hair styled and maybe buying her an outfit. Well we walk into the store and the girl of the year was just too "Juliette"! 

So the girl of the year's name is "Isabella", Juliette's middle name, who is a ballerina and a fashion designer who loves to make her clothes with her own sewing machine. Of course, upon seeing this I looked at my Mom and said "we may just have to get her." Juliette looked at me and said, "Mommy this is even better than a candy store…" Needless to say, you can see who Juliette has in her arms!

The man who wrote the story about her happened to be in the store that day signing books! That was really neat for Juliette to meet him and he explained parts of the book to her. 

It was then time for Danette to get fancy. Even though she is a 27 year old doll, they can sure shine her up and make her beautiful. Juliette even picked out a matching outfit that she wore our of the store to match Danette.

It was quite a special day for this little girl! And while she was is in American Girl heaven...

Some little guy felt more like he was in American Girl hell… He did get to go the lego store after that which made him much happier. He was appeased at American Girl though with there trips to the cafe for chocolate cake pops. When the fussing and restlessness started up, off to the cafe we went. 

Juliette and "Isabella" at the store...

kids imaginations at this age just soar… they would jump in the suitcase each day and sing songs of where they were driving to!

breakfast delight with Tessa!

We went to the Museum of Science and Industry on the day that it rained and the kids loved that! Their favorite spot was at the farm. All Tripp wanted to do was ride the cow and drive the tractor.

We ended the super fun trip with a ride on "Diego." The first ride Juliette ever took on a horse was here in Chicago on a horse named "Jenny." She loved it so much that for years that was the only name that she called horses… "Jenny pony." This was Tripp's first ride and he really enjoyed it. Silly boy was sure that his kisses would land right on the pint. Too bad "Diego" was in the front and his kisses were pointing to the back...

And farewell Chicago until we meet again! It was a lovely relaxing trip one we will not soon forget!

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