Monday, June 2, 2014

My evening with Dorthea Benton Frank

I had my special dinner with Dottie Frank and six of my closest friends and family tonight! What an evening to remember! We all met for dinner at the Obstinate Daughter on Sullivans Island. The dinner was amazing but the company was even better. What a great lady! She had wine, cocktails, dinner and a night full of hilarious stories waiting for us!

Don was in charge that evening and we came home at 10:00 to a party still going on… There were meatball subs to eat that night. Tripp wanted bread with his meatballs, Juliette did not like bread with hers and she needed her Daddy to make some pasta, Grace did not like meatballs, did not like pizza, and agreed to chicken fingers only with some french fries… the chef seemed to be able to make everyone happy… 

Grace was full of concentration signing her dear friend's cast. It's funny kids at this age have all kinds of questions. She was very concerned to see Juliette because she was concerned that along with a break meant that her arm fell off… there was a huge sigh of relief once she saw her friend was okay.

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