Saturday, June 14, 2014

Juliette's first annual Daniel Island Fishing tournament

Juliette flew out of the bed this morning eager to get to her first children's fishing tournament on Daniel Island! She went with her Daddy and Doh was already there as a volunteer! They apparently had more laughs… Juliette caught three brim! She was quite excited with her catch.

All ready to go but (her silly brother with his winter hat that he insisted on putting on because Juliette had hers on) needed to get a quick shot with her brother!

A girl and her catch 

Her Daddy even brought her a comfy chair to lounge in and hold the rod… no wonder she loves to fish!

So she caught three brim, met some new friends, ate a bag lunch provided by the tournament and got a small dessert but was somehow disappointed that she did not win a raffle… you may ask what the raffle was?? Sunscreen!! Now there's a five year old for you!

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