Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Bee City

We took a rode trip today up to Cottageville for a day trip to Bee City! It was SO much fun… it is good country livin at it's finest up there and boy did we have a blast!

It was actually super cool! You could feed the monkeys and the lemurs! They were so gentle and reached for the food right out of your hands!

Juliette and her Doh, both animal lovers were in their element!

Since Patches the rabbit recently died of old age, they were both tempted to buy a new one today… however a new rabbit is being promised in three weeks...

As Juliette and her Doh are both animal lovers, well Tessa, she prefers to keep her distance… she was unsure of her comfort level… even though blurry the picture is perfect!

I think the favorite part for Juliette was going into the aviary center… Juliette knows that when I was little we had a "parakeena" (as she calls them) named Dukey. These parakeets come right up to you with food in your hand and will eat right out of your hands and sit on your arms… it was amazing! She was in awe! She is now dreaming that somehow Doh is going to find a place in his heart for a new "parakeena" named Dukey. As always Juliette says that she would get to go over and play with him everyday!

What a wonderful Southern Summer day!!

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