Thursday, June 5, 2014

A week in the eyes of summer

We are a week into summer and have been up to all kinds of fun things…

We've been trying to get a little someone excited about the potty! He sits down and jumps right up and screeches "Treat!" I have been explaining to him that he needs to potty in the potty to get a treat!

We did have one potty success and Tripp and Juliette were both so excited! Juliette was the first to hand him his special treat!

Even on quiet afternoons around the house on a summer day, there is never boredom… why not chase each other around the house with boxes wrapped around you!

While Tripp naps, Juliette likes to sit outside on the back porch with me and read some books to me!

And when he is outside without his popgun, a boy will find anything to make a homemade gun… we look quite backwoods in this picture… he has taken 5 or 6 sticks and is yelling… "Shoot da gun…"

Juliette is now into creating paper doll clothes for Danette. I think she watches my Mom design for her and is taking an interest in getting creative herself. 

And the flowers all need some daily help with a volunteer who is overly excited to help get the job done...

Juliette has had horse camp this week. It is one of her favorite camps of the summer. She looks like quite a character each day with a big dishwashing glove wrapped over her cast. She loves to come home telling stories of Strawberry, Chip and Hershey trotting with her and working on her two point… once she gets home, she pulls out her rocking horse and plays with her like a real horse the rest of the afternoon. She asked me yesterday, "Mommy do you think I could get a horse when I am eight?" Wow! Now she is putting some thought into it… nothing immediate but in a  few years.

They love their early morning shenanigans at Tessa and Doh's house. Here Juliette has found new shoes for both her and Tripp...

And we wound down the week with getting our cast split! Now it can come on and off for some cleaning, showers and the pool. Two more weeks and we will be permanently done with it.

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