Saturday, May 14, 2016

Can you believe these nuggets are 17 months??

The babies got thier first taste of a little putting green at the club at 17 months! They were much more interested in pulling the flags and running away with them than anything else.

They are both so animated now. They still say a few words. Tyler says, "Ju-iette", "Tyler", "Tessa" and that is really all. Thomas says "Tyler", "dog" and "Thomas." They interact with each other more each day. They call each other's name but more often call out their own name. It is so funny. 

Tyler is the adventurous one. He is ready to get out and see the world. He is busy, persistent, a climber and ready to run the opposite way of whichever way you would be going. With those traits also comes biting. We are trying to
Put an end to it but he still bites Thomas. Usually now we can catch him right before he is about to chomp.

Thomas enjoys being the baby! He wants nothing more than to be held 14 hours a day if possible. He is definitely happiest when he is eating and close to Mommy! He loves to pet the doggies and give them a hug. 


Thomas Daniel 


Tyler James


Notice the direction here - if one goes west, the other goes east... If you gones south the other no doubt will head north.  


Tyler here is taking a breather while biting his lip and plotting his next move!



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