Thursday, March 24, 2016

Oh boy... it's off to the Doctor we go!

It's that time again! Tripp, Thomas and Tyler were all due for checkups. Thomas and Tyler had their 15 month check up. Thomas and Tyler are both in the 50th percentile for height and weight. Tyler weighs 24.5 pounds versus big guy Thomas who weighed in 1/2 pound heavier at 25 pounds. Tyler however is a half inch taller than Thomas. Thomas again made the big guy cut with his head diameter larger than Tyler's.

Thomas and Tyler are both solid walkers now! They actually are beginning to speed walk and walk with things in their hand. Tyler and Thomas are both talking. Their favorite words are still 
"Dew-ette" which is Juliette
Ma Ma
Da Da
Ma (trying to say mas which is more in Spanish)

They were not sold on the appointment this time at all.

Before they even got undressed they looked quite unsure. 

Tyler, we promise this is just to check your weight!

Thomas of course the ultimate Mama's boy is fine as long as he is in my arms. 

Time to lay him down just for some length... Yikes!

I never knew that listening to the lungs and heart could be so frightening!

They were all super healthy and Dr Kimberly could not have been happier. Nothing that a little bit of fudgsicle can't fix!

Tripp on the other hand was ready to go! I even did let him know that there would be shots at this appointment. He knew that a good boy would get a stop at the Wendy's for a frosty.

He was unsure of the blood pressure sleeve but then decided that it tickled! 

He let Dr. Kimberly know that his favorite food was broccoli... this guy is smarter than he needs to be. Kimberly even said, "Looks like Mommy did some coaching..." I didn't even mention it to him, even though he does not like broccoli, he gave her the answer that he knew she would want.

It still appears that he is a lefty. Even though he kicks with his right foot which is usually an indicator, Kimberly had him write his name. He instantly brought the pen up to his left hand and began drawing and righting his name. We then asked him to use the other hand. Kimberly agreed that there was a substantial difference in both drawings. His left hand is much stronger and more comfortable for him with a pencil. 

He was sure he was there to see "Dr. Corey" who fixed his leg. I let him know that he was not at Daddy's office. 

This was his first check up that he got to wear the gown. With as particular as he is with clothes, take a guess - did he like the gown or not? 
If you guessed NO, you are correct!
He wanted that thing off because "Mommy, boys do not wear dresses."

Four shots later and this little guy is done with vaccines until age 11! The 4 year old appointment scarred Juliette after the shots but Tripp was really quite brave. After the third shot he began to wimper but never fully even cried. 

Mommy was so proud of him!

Welcome to the fours little boy!

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