Tuesday, March 29, 2016

It looks like summer is here!

It's spring break and the kids were dying to swim!

Looks like it's time to jump on in! 80 degrees and sunny today seemed to be the perfect day!

The babies got some new floats but ummmm look who thinks she belongs in it! She and Tripp fit just perfectly in them - a little snug but super fun for them none the less. 

Tyler had not even hit the water yet but he was SO excited! This is his nature in general. He is always up for the challenge, something new, and anything daring!

The both enjoyed the water! Tyler of course LOVED it and did not want to get out at all. Thomas he LIKED it. He was ready to get out in about 15 minutes. 

And guess which one it wore flat out? ...

Yup! Tyler! Looks like it was time to lower the hat and try for a snooze!

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