Friday, February 26, 2016

Look who's 4 years old today!

Super Man may have been down with a broken leg but there was no lame Super Man at this party! The boy was ready for a party! For the past month he would ask me every day when was his party... he had a fit if I used the word weeks, he had a fit if I used the word days... this guy wanted it today!

We had so much fun celebrating with his class. 

"Ju-iette" was an amazing Sister at the party. She was by Tripp's side the whole time!A broken leg couldn't get a birthday boy down if he had a sister who would give him piggy backs the whole time while playing the games. She really does love her little brother so much.

Tripp and his favorite little friend Zoey! They are the best of friends!

His whole class had so much fun and was so happy celebrating with the birthday boy!

These guys even were ready to get into the fun. They loved throwing the bean bags right into the little box. 

Tripp was so happy to have Ms. Adi and Mr. Gustavo at the party too! They truly are part of our family.

Tessa was there in style to join in the fun!

And on his real birthday when Tessa picked him up from school... what was all he wanted to do?? He wanted to have lunch at the Waffle House. When he and Tessa walked into the restaurant he requested to sit up at the bar for the very first time since he was now 4 and a big boy!

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