What a special day today was! We celebrated the Baptism of Thomas and Tyler at Mass today. It was beautiful. Let's say I was prepared for a disaster. Thomas does not like being laid out and Tyler is into screeching now. I was sure there would be some major squawking going on. Low and behold both babies were perfect!
We so happy to have family and friends all around us to celebrate such a special day.
After the Mass, we all went back to the house and had brunch and cake. There were seven little ones playing and they really just wanted to play outside on the playground and in the tree house on such a gorgeous day.
I was so blessed to have Susan and her Husband Ben and Paula and her husband Ty two of my best friends since high school be the God Parents.

Look at the sweet big Sister. She even carries her Brother around when he is not feeling great. Poor little guy had a fever and was really just not feeling great!

Tessa and her baby boys...Look at the beautiful bubbles that Tessa designed and created for them to wear.

Thomas and Tyler with their God Mothers...
Thanks be to God for creating and blessing these precious ones and continue to hold them in the palm of you hand.
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