Today was one of the best days!I spent the morning at school with Juliette and Tripp! Tripp had his Halloween party and they had the annual parade around the school. Each year as the children get older there is less and less that we are invited to. Well, with that in mind I was thrilled to be invited to Juliette's class for pumpkin decorating and then to Tripp's party.
Tripp was a pirate in our mind. In his mind he was a "Superhero Pirate." I am not sure exactly what that is but he was thrilled with his costume and could not wait to get to school.
A few facts I found out from the teachers.
- Tripp is their biggest eater in the class. He has been known to ask for thirds when his friends and classmates don't even finish their first plate. His favorite little friends to play with our the two biggest ones in the class. The fireman is his best little friend. Tripp is one of the biggest ones as well.
- Tripp sometimes has a hard time keeping his hands and feet to himself during circle time. He has even been known to sit on his hands so that they don't move. He let the teachers know he would sit on them this week so he could "go to da fair..."
- On his little progress report the teachers noted, "Tripp is a very bright boy, quite observant and quite particular..." Now the quite particular is SPOT on! There cannot be a bite in a cookie, the cookie cannot be cracked, a lollipop with a crooked stick is worth throwing himself on the floor over, the socks have to lay over his baby toe just a certain way and Lord help us all if anyone takes a sip of his drink!
They sang songs for us and were absolutely precious!
I happened to be in Juliette's classroom this year with her when the 3's paraded through her room. They go through every classroom in the big school.
I LOVED capturing the excitement when Juliette saw the parade and Tripp! It was just priceless. She really loves her brother so much!

I was able to take Juliette out of class for a few minutes to go and watch Tripp's performance. She was thrilled and he was equally thrilled that she could be there.

Juliette and all of her sweet little friends decorating their pumpkins!

A'hoy mates!
What a special special day to celebrate!