Saturday, August 8, 2015

And they're eight months old today!

These little guys are just amazing! There is so much development each day with them. They are both doing awesome on their bellies. Tyler is almost ready to crawl. I think that will be any day. Thomas is not quite there yet but he is not far behind. They just love to amuse each other. More and more I notice when they are holding their bottles and drinking at the same time, one always tries to take the bottle away from the other if one is already done. It is so funny!

They really love to chew on their toys now and look at them and reach for them on the floor. 

Tyler at this point in time has a more easy going temperament. He will entertain himself, play on the floor longer and just hang out. Thomas will as well but he would much rather be held. He can be fussing and you pick him up and he laughs. He is a little squirt! Good thing they both are so cute!

They both still each have two bottom teeth. Tyler has two that are about to pop on the top. They seem to be good teethers and not uncomfortable at all. 

They are amazing sleepers at night! They go down around 7:00 PM and wake up each morning between 6:30 and 7:00. Thomas sleeps in the nursery and Tyler is in the reading room in his crib. I have not put them together yet only because we have had such success this way!

They LOVE to laugh and giggle!
They are so much fun and we love these little guys to pieces!

Thomas Daniel

Tyler James

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