Friday, June 19, 2015

Comedy Zone

Growing up there was a bar called "The Comedy Zone." I realize today I don't need to go to a Comedy Zone... I live one each day under my roof. There is constant activity, loud feet running, screeches, laughs, fussing, wining and then it all repeats itself. There is seldom quiet but when there is...

its usually a baby sleeping or

someone quietly trying to "love on" her dogs or as the dogs would call it more "torture" the dogs. 

or finding Tripp playing "Rock da baby".... Yes, you're exactly right.... the Mamaroo does not rock back and forth...

Hence when a Mama hears silence, she knows silence is a sign of no-no's going on around the house. The comedy keep it real and entertaining! As the kids all know, "Mommy can see everything!"

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