Monday, June 8, 2015

And just like that we're one half year old!

There are two little guys feeling so proud today! They are six months old! They celebrated in style with delicious bottles, lovely oatmeal and wonderful baby food!

Everyone tells me with twins that six months is a real milestone. It begins to get easier. I can see that happening. They are rolling now and enjoy looking around and at each other. They definitely are aware of each other as well at this point.

They have been tricky sleepers. Where as Juliette and Tripp were so easy and through the nigh at 6 weeks, not these guys. I thought we were on to something great and last week for several nights they went from 9:15 until 6:00 in the morning! I was thrilled with excitement. Then in good twin fashion they both regress and are up during the night. This week neither have slept through the night. Good thing there is coffee for this Mama. I am hopeful we will master this challenge soon.

I would label each picture but Thomas and Tyler both have such different looks that you will know. I told Juliette and Tripp that really Thomas and Juliette should have been twins and Tripp and Tyler should have been twins. Both sets of those children looked identical at those ages. 

This is the first picture I could capture of both of them smiling and laughing! 

They both give being 6 months old a big thumbs up!

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