Saturday, March 21, 2015

Tripp's first comfortable swimming

Well as I have said before we are lost with Ms. Viv as a swim teacher. I am so thankful to have had her for Juliette but she has since retired. I finally put the puddle jumper on Tripp and let Juliette quietly and slowly pull him off the step… he was so excited and nervous at the same time with that floating feeling! We had such a fun afternoon and it made my heart happy to see him comfortable. Hopefully this summer will be just the step that we need to swimming without the puddle jumper.

Here is the little video of Tripp in his first minute or two of being in the water…

This is the cutest after swimming video. We came in to warm up by the fire. This is the classic monkey see/monkey do. Tripp is at the age where he would like to be just like his big sister. Whatever she is doing or say he wants to do the same.

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