Thursday, December 20, 2012

The donkey in the Christmas Pageant

Juliette had her Christmas performance today and she was the donkey! I got a note from her teacher Mrs Kraft a few weeks ago that she specifically asked to be the donkey. She was very excited for two reasons - the donkey carried Mary and also the donkey has a tail (a small obsession of hers - she thinks if she wears a tail - which is the tie for my bathrobe she will be just like the dogs). Tessa made her a gray dress and a tail out of beautiful ribbons for her to wear. The play was precious and Juliette was on the floor next to Mary and Joseph.

We were lucky to have Tessa, Doh, Mima and Grandpa all join us for the occasion. We had lunch afterwards to celebrate.

Checking out Sissy and what this is all about...

The Donkey, Mary and Jesus

Tessa, Doh, Mima and Grandpa

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