Monday, February 13, 2012

The TRAUMATIC day has come for me - Juliette cut her hair

So, I laugh every time I hear that one of my friends' children has cut his/her hair. I never in a million years thought that it would happen to mine. I was getting shades installed yesterday afternoon and the men were in my room. Juliette had been nicely playing with play dough making me some donuts (yes, she knows the way to her pregnant Mommy's heart!). I was working on something for a minute for work at my computer. I walked into our bathroom to get something and all that I see scattered on the hardwood is locks of hair.... I had to catch my breath I was so in shock. I called Juliette over and took notice of her hair - yes bangs halfway up her forehead and chunks of pieces on both sides of her head that are half the length. It looks like both sides of her hair have been layered completely. My first reaction was not a laugh. I was very upset and found no humor in it. She had climbed up on Don's bathroom counter and found some of his trimming scissors on the top shelf and took it upon herself to start cutting her hair. I am really not even sure where she got the idea from.

She told me when I asked her why she did that she said, "I sneaked into Daddy's closet and cut my hair." She could not answer why because I think she had no idea why. "Mommy, I did it when you were doing numbers on your computer."

So, there is no picture right after the disaster because I did not want to glorify any part of what she did. I know that it is a bit funny today and will be funnier 10 years from now but that is one thing that I did not want to capture with the camera.

Oh the patience of being a parent.... yes, you must have a lot of it!

1 comment:

The Tylers said...

BAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay-I had to come back & look at this post because obviously I overlooked it when it happened. I am SO sorry...I know that horror all too well. I am still mad about Ellison cutting all her curls off. For what it is worth, she still looks cute. We love you guys!