Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone...

I surely do enjoy this holiday especially now that Juliette is part of the whole mix. She had a party at school yesterday so we got all dressed up for the occasion. We have been working on her Valentine's cards for her friends at school. She was very excited for the party.

Happy Valentine's Day to my sweet sweet husband! He sent me some beautiful flowers to work this morning and we are going to celebrate tomorrow after the big crowds from this evening. The only thing that would complete this Valentine's day even more would be a baby to come out this evening. I know that the evening is getting late but there is still always hope. I had an appointment today and and I am now 3 cm and about 75% effaced. I am making some progress but I am calling it not enough until I go into labor. If there is nothing before next week, she is inducing me on 02/22, next Wednesday. The day can not come soon enough. I am caught up at work and year end is over. It is a perfect time to go out for a few months. I have been nesting for what I call weeks now and have had a huge energy burst over the last two weeks. I get excited thinking this all means something - but again here I am blogging...

Happy Valentine's day to everyone!

 Busy at work making Valentine's cards for all of my friends...
 Sisterly love.... it is amazing how much Juliette loves Gracie and just how patient Gracie is with her... she is giving her a Happy Valentine's day kiss
 "Look Gracie, would you like to see all of my Valentine's cards?"
Smallest bow possible in today to try to catch the bangs but as you can see, there are still some on her face. You cannot see the damage on the sides of the head so this makes a good picture still. Here we are enjoying opening cards!

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