Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy 9 months old Juliette!

Another month older.... wow! You are growing like a weed. Hmmm... the most important developments of you this past month. I would begin to use the word independent. You have become totally mobile by crawling. You now like to explore the house. However, at the same time you like to follow Mommy, Daddy, Gypsy and Gracie around the house. You can pull yourself up on anything and can even balance a second or two without holding on to anything. You have been introduced to puffs and other teething cookies. Mommy and Daddy have found this to be the new secret when going to dinner. One puff at a time will entertain you for the majority of dinner. You have made great strides with the cup and can drink quite nicely out of it. When you want to get your point across or we are not moving fast enough for you, you begin to bang your legs and arms and screech at the same time! We are not talking just a loud request, we are talking a full screech. You love to play peek a boo. You still do NOT like the car seat. I think that it is not as much as you don't like the ride as much as you just plain do NOT like to be restrained. After all, who wants to have to sit still when there is a world to discover. You are fascinated by the other babies in the cry room at church. There is no hope to fall asleep after all look at all the babies and children there are to watch.
Happy Happy birthday to our SWEET baby girl!

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