Thursday, June 8, 2017

This funny little guy...

I know I have said it before but can I just tell you how quirky this little guy is and how much he makes me laugh! He has his little ways and they crack me up. You all know at this point about Tripp and his clothes. He was so preoccupied about what he was wearing now that it was summer time that he created a game for himself.  He wrote out a "yes" and a "no" on a sheet of paper. If he landed with his eyes closed on the "yes" with his pencil the next morning, he would be able to wear his PE clothes which are nicely laid out waiting for him. 

Upon waking up, "Mommy guess what, I landed on 'yes'.... now I have to wear my PE clothes." As if he would have ever intended to land on 'no.'

Also, look closely and you can see the most recent item he likes to sleep with.... a lego tire.... Don't ask.... I have no idea! He may not have any idea why either. It is just the Tripp way....

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