Tuesday, June 6, 2017

A day at Charlestowne Landing

We began the first weekend of the summer at Charlestowne Landing. I was amazed even with the heat how many of the animals were out. Juliette and the boys were able to see water buffalo, black bears, eagles and my personal favorite the red wolves! The red wolves have been on the border of extinction over the past decade or so.... seeing them every time is such a highlight for me!

The boys were so happy to be sporting their fancy sun shirts from Doh. We couldn't get them off of them.

It's always so cute to hear some toddler talk even around the park. You can hear 5 different conversations going on.... nothing new.... it's kind of how we all roll in our house. 

We sure enjoyed the day together!

It's always fun to remember walking the park myself as a kid (which really seems like not long ago)...

Everything is so fascinating to the boys. They are like sponges and just love to soak everything up. The bear was a favorite for Thomas, the water buffalo was Tyler's favorite and Juliette and Tripp loved the red wolf.

Sometimes the best picture comes from the effort to make your brother smile and look at the camera. Just give the little brother a "slight" twist of the neck and shove of the cheek....

And there you have the classic photo!

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