Wednesday, February 22, 2017

And just like that my "Minky" turns one hand old

I LOVE this little boy! He is the sweetest. happiest and gentlest soul you could ever meet. His teacher let me know that he is kind to everyone and such a nice friend. He enjoys all of his classmates both boys and girls!

He LOVES the little things in life I have noticed with him. He is happy to play with the tiniest smurf, a lego character or any super hero.

He wanted the same party as last year - a Super Hero birthday party outside! This year he was Captain America! He was SO excited to say the least!

After I picked him up from school all he wanted to do was go to Dunkin Donuts for a birthday donut. The sweet lady gave him an extra one for later and three others for his sister and brothers. Mrs. Sellers told me it was the cutest thing - this morning they had to tell Tripp that they were wishing Tripp a very happy birthday

Intercom: "We would like to wish Don Stovall a very happy birthday..."
Mrs. Sellers: "Now Tripp you know they are talking about you."
Tripp: "Who's Don Stovall? Dat's not me, I'm Tripp..."

Sweet little guy - being a third, I am sure this is not the only time that will pop up!

The boys were super heroes too! They were precious.... it was the cutest thing watching them run around the party. They loved the interaction and were completely a part of the party.

And in good form all super heroes need to call their agent!

All of Tripp's sweet friends! They were just the cutest!

Cute Mary who wants to marry Tripp!

Tripp and his best friend John Robert! They are two peas in a pod these two!

All of his little boy classmates and Jaylin who is also interested in marrying Tripp!

Another beautiful year to celebrate with you sweet Trippy boy! Mommy LOVES you more than you will ever know!

As he went to bed tonight he looked at me and said... "Dere's nothing like Mommy's arms!"

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