We left our HOT world for a few days and headed to the mountains for some relaxation and cool air. It was wonderful! Our good friends the Keeley's invited us to their cabin. It was so nice to get away for a few days. The kids could not have been happier that Gypsy came with us too. Gracie stayed behind with Ms. Labinia and Jaylin as she has really aged and would not be able to do hikes or anything.

We had a ball. Tyler was sure that he was able to skip down the stairs, view the mountains, breathe in the air and walk Gypsy.... seems to me he is a pretty talented guy at 19 months old.
We had a ball. Tyler was sure that he was able to skip down the stairs, view the mountains, breathe in the air and walk Gypsy.... seems to me he is a pretty talented guy at 19 months old.
I was so happy that we brought all of the children. They all enjoyed immensely!
We hiked every day! We hiked Grandfather mountain and several other trails.
Tyler and Thomas found a perfect little home for three nights - in a pitch dark closet in the master bedroom. It was perfect! They slept in because there was no light and went straight to sleep because it was so dark. Hmmm... they would appreciate though returning to a normal bedroom when they return home.
These guys ate all weekend and LOVED roaming around finding, grabbing and touching new things.
This girl just LOVES her puppy! Nothing makes her happier than time spent with her. That is especially if Gypsy is feeling cooperative and wants to go along with her leash games. Juliette tends to think she loves these kind of games. Don and I assure her that she may not love them so much.
The beauty of the mountains!
It was a perfect weekend!
We ended the trip doing something I have wanted to do for a long time. We went hunting for gems! The kids loved it! We found a lot of "gems" and the kids think they found solid gold! They laughed, traded gems, took back "I made a mistake" trades, needed to find more gems and were sure that we could go home with these finds and never have to work again!
And this girl like everyone else was not ready to leave. She thought if she boycotted eating that morning, we would have to stay and wait until she decided to eat....
Oh Gypsy Rose... "Compliant" is not in your character description.
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