Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas!

We have had a wonderful Christmas so far! There was a new tradition this year at Mass and I loved started the holiday off with it. During Christmas Eve Mass there was a Christmas pageant with the children. Juliette was an Angel and Tripp was a "Townsman/Prophet." Juliette I knew would love every minute and shine up there. Tripp he was a bit of a different story. I was not sure what to expect. Juliette's friend Sullivan took him under her wing and he did just fine up there. I was sure he would have his hand over his eyes which is his new trademark. It added such a nice touch and we were so happy that the children were part of it. 

...and look who was up bright and early ready to wish us all a Merry Christmas! I should mention that Tripp and Juliette attempted to come down at 1:30 in the morning. Juliette thought she could wake everyone up if she came in and told us Tripp threw up. She even got Tripp to fake cry at the top of the stairs when we both flew out of the bed. Needless to say, no one had gotten sick and the fake ploy to get us up only landed those kiddies back in the bed! They did not re-wake up until 7:30 that morning!

The twins loved chewing on the wrapping paper, tearing the wrapping paper and pulling the ornaments off of the tree!

We were so happy to celebrate with Ul'Nanny too! His presence always makes Christmas even more special to the kids. 

The special gift of the evening was the bow and arrow that had officially been given to Juliette. It was Ul'Nanny's bow when he was a very young boy. Being a boy, he showed up at our neighbor's house during my little friend Lee's birthday party and let all the little girls know that he was going to shoot the ducks waddling around in front of the house. He must have been five and we were turning 6. All of the little girls including me screamed and my poor Mom had to come and get little Danny. It is still a great story among all of us. We took this picture to send to Lee to let her know that the bow is still in the family. 

Merry Christmas everyone!
 I hope each of you were able to celebrate with family and friends!

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