Sunday, December 6, 2015

Cousins are SO much fun!

We had such a fun weekend with my cousins who came for a visit. We packed a lot in over just a weekend. Some of the highlights were frying some turkeys for dinner...

going to Martha Lou's for lunch! This is soul food and Meghan had seen it written up in the New Yorker. I had never been there myself so we were all in for a treat!

We were sad to see them go. We had the best weekend. Not even Tripp's latest episode of falling on his teeth could put a damper on the weekend.
Falling on his teeth you ask? Yes, he and Juliette were running for the front door and Tripp slipped and met the floor. His two front teeth pushed up into his gums and pushed back giving him an under-bite. We quickly called the Dentist who met us at his office where he pulled the teeth back down and pushed them forward. Yup, not a pleasant experience at all. The good news is though that the Dentist is confident with his age, the two teeth will not die and he should be able to keep them. Hence his swollen lip in the picture. 

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