There are certain traditions that just can't be broken! The fair in one of them. We had the best time! Tripp yelled the entire time "I love da fair!" At the same time he would jump up and down and shake his legs in excitement!
Juliette is such a sport. She still loves the kiddie rides and really loves to go on them with her little brother.
I took them on a haunted ride for big kids and adults... They were feeling brave and wanted to do it with me. Tripp sat on my lap and squeezed my legs the whole screeching and Juliette nearly bit me! Tripp got out of the dark and loudly let Juliette know... "Mommy I will never do dat scary ride again"... pointing his finger at me."
I told my brother I took them on this ride. He said, "Go figure. That sounds about right since you used to terrorize me about a witch flying into his window at night." Apparently he reminded me that I used to try to sneak in his room and crack open his window so it would look like someone entered.
I secretly get a kick out of all of this!
Mommy can still be a little naughty even with her little ones!

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