Sunday, February 22, 2015

A 3rd birthday celebration!

And just like that I have a baby turning three years old! We had a wonderful celebration today at the Little Gym with his whole little class. The children had SO much fun as it was a few's first time at a birthday party. Tripp LOVED it and loved running around. It is so cute at this age as they still independently play. They like to sit by each other but they don't understand group play yet and all run the motions and the games at the same time but really are independently doing things. 

Don was on call today and as luck would have it got slammed right around the time of the party. We still had a great time but wished he could join in the fun.

Tripp, you are the funniest little guy. As a toddler with Juliette, the house remained intact. Somehow, since you have come along in typical boy style, I feel like the house takes a beating everyday. There are some days it seems anything you touch either gets banged, bruised or broken. Hence life with a little boy! To think there are two more the poor house has to survive. 

You are truly a Comedian. Your particularness is still very evident. It is most noted every morning when you get out of bed and are already concerned about what you will be wearing for the day. Your favorite is still "Birthday Dog and jammie pants." If you could wear jammies every day and all day you would be one thrilled big! 

You have begun to ask lots of questions and "why" is your favorite word. You have a fit even thinking that it may be time to take a nap or go hushaby. I remind you each day that Mommy wishes she could take a nap! Before nap though you love to sit on the chair and read stories and you love a good story telling.You laugh hysterically when we tell you the story of the little boys and girls and their dogs…

"There once was a little boy named Thomas and he loved his dog Gypsy
and a little girl Juliette and she loved her dog Dypsy
and another little boy Tyler and he loved his dog Typsy
and there was a Mommy and she loved her dog Pipsy
and Daddy who loved his dog Mipsy
and finally there was a little boy named Tripp and he loved his dog "Bob"

And finally in good three year old style you love the word "NO"… if we say yes to anything, you have to disagree with "No"…. if we say it is…. you say, "No it isn't" and if we offer you something we would like you to have, you will respond, "I no want that…" EXCEPT if its a lollipop! You are a boy with the biggest sweet tooth! Your Tessa says each day that you will marry a girl some day named "Candy"

My sweet boy loves some sweets and has the sweetest little heart! We cherish you each day and love you you SO very much! You are my favorite three year old around!


Tripp and his two favorite girls and best little friend Carson! He loves to call Zoey his "girlfriend"

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