Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A real character on my hands

This guy is such a character! By the time I go in his room to get him up he is questioning if he can wear, "jammies, no long pants, birthday doggie shirt or red pants." This is the everyday! We sit in front of the washer and dryer and negotiate the clothes AND the socks and shoes! He hates to wear a coat and it in light of that can get hysterical when we will not let him leave the house without one on. He tells     me, "I hold it just in case…" I have convinced him it is a superman cape and all big boys wear one! This works maybe 10% of the time. 

PS… these are the "red pants" as mentioned above. Poor guy loves his sister's hat - nice bow on the penguin! He is creating for me here a super hero with his favorite thing in his mouth a "lolli"

It was so cold this past week that I had to send Tripp out in Juliette's warm warm coat! Don told me I had to be kidding! When it was 20 degrees out I was not worried about style or boy fashion! He survived in it.

Tripp's special place to touch his brothers is their toes. He LOVES it and thinks that spot is only for him. 

He has really become quite the assistant. He has more interest than Juliette does now. Once again, note the Thanksgiving turkey in January… this is ALSO considered red pants!

And sometimes don't we all just want to be the baby? 

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