Monday, April 28, 2014

A very BIG toothy kind of day!!

Well it happened today! Ms. Yearout, Juliette's teacher helped her pull her tooth out today! Juliette was thrilled at the carpool line and could not wait to show me the tooth all wrapped up in a ziploc bag! It has been wiggling for several days now and was due to come out any day!

Juliette had received a special tooth fairy pillow just in time from Ms. Cynthia! She left the tooth fairy a little note asking her to please leave her tooth if possible. She has been studying coins and the different values of each coin… she had requested 90 quarters...

AND there was one happy girl when she woke up with a one dollar bill, three quarters, two dimes, one penny and a very colorful wrapped in purple chocolate carrot that the bunny missed on his runs… the tooth fairy knew what to grab!

Sweet dreams "Toothy Princess"

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