Saturday, October 19, 2013

A super fun filled two days...

We have had a super fun night last night and all day today. Don had to work today so Juliette, Trippy and I managed to hit two birthday parties, visit with Ul'Nanny, visit the scarecrows in Summerville town square and finish the evening at the delicious new Smashburger in Summerville!

We had not been to 4 Cats in Town Center but the birthday party was SO much fun and so cute. The girls basically were throwing paint into designs. Juliette did not come in the right "old" clothes but they quickly clothed her in an old t-shirt and she was ready to go!

In the painting room ready to go...

Then heading to the next birthday party in Summerville... Look at this monkey!

Tripp wanted to show Mommy his skills too... his attempt at the sommersalt...

quite proud of himself....

A stop at Ul'Nanny's house to see Juliette's best friend Ashley Belle! She is getting so big and gets so excited to Juliette!

Daddy came and joined us for the scarecrow walk in Summerville! I just love this and so do the kids...

Juliette found my old school... The scarecrow even had the same uniform on!

One more evening of Disney on Ice with two generations of best friends!

And with NO nap all day - 6:30 in the evening and Tripp STILL hanging on in Wonderworks playing with the train.... so into the train that he just jumped up and sat on the table to have a better reach of all the trains...

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