Monday, October 22, 2012

Eight GREAT months...

Tripp is eight months old today! Eight months old and he has just popped four more teeth this week. All the new teeth are on the top. This brings total teeth to 6 teeth all together. Remarkably like Juliette he has had very little problems teething. Neither of them have had much effect from teething. He is THIS CLOSE to crawling. I am going to say within a week or two and he'll be ready to go. He can push himself backwards but has not yet mastered pushing forward.

His BIG new development over the last month or so and his given him his new nickname of "The Parrot" is the high pitch squeal. Yes Tripp has learned to listen to his voice and has realized that the louder it is the more entertaining it is to listen to.Needless to say he has become a screecher! He does not screech when he is mad rather when he is looking for something and letting you know that there is something that he cannot reach or better yet, nothing wrong just listening to his very nice LOUD voice! Juliette told me today that Tripp must stop this nonsense. She does not enjoy his very loud voice. I do not remember Juliette ever having piercing noises like he does just for pure entertainment.

He is still such a happy and content baby. Like Juliette he really needs his sleep and that makes all the difference in the day for him. He usually takes a good nap in the morning and a good nap in the afternoon and he sleeps a good eleven hours at night.

Happy EIGHT months sweet boy!

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