Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tripp is two months old today!

Here we are at two months old today! We have been enjoying each day of the new ride with Tripp. He has been such a joy to all of us so far. To celebrate his birthday today we went to the aquarium for the afternoon and his big sister had a blast.

Don took care of him these past two nights while I got a full night's sleep. It is amazing how wonderful you feel after two good nights of uninterrupted sleep. How funny that the night his Daddy is taking care of him he sleeps until 5 AM. How typical is that? He usually is up each night around 2:30 eats and goes right back down. He then is usually up again around 6 PM. He is getting close to throughout the night so I am hoping that it is any night that I am going to get the surprise and wake up and it is 5 or 6 in the morning.

Tripp is smiling like crazy. He will fuss when you leave the room and he knows that he is alone in the room. It is amazing how aware of his surroundings he is. When you come back into the room he immediately begins to smile. It will really warm your heart when you see that smile! Another new thing is blowing bubbles! He is beginning to make bubbles with his lips - that is always so cute too.

Juliette has been really great with Tripp. She is really not in the least bit interested in helping or doing anything for him but she talks about him a lot and when he is not in the car with us always asks me where he is. If I ask her to help men hold the bottle for him she tells me that her hand hurts after holding it for 8 seconds at the most.

He has how two month checkup tomorrow so we will find out where he is in his weight and height. So far at one month he was exactly 50 percentile.

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