Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wow for ONE month old today

My my time flies!! Tripp is one month old today. He has been the sweetest baby boy in the world so far. You have no idea what a joy he has been so far, I am getting sleep - and a good bit of it as well. He is going to sleep each night around 10 PM and wakes up around 3:00 AM - eats and goes right back down to normally wake up around 7 AM. It is the best feeling in the world NOT to be absolutely exhausted each day.

Juliette is getting quite used to having baby Tripp around. She will now tell people that he is her baby brother. When asked his name she replies, "Baby Tripp." Yesterday she actually asked me if she could touch his head. She used her index finger and that is all to just barely feel it. Yesterday she looked at me and said, "Mommy, Tripp has "the bleed." She noticed that he has a little red mark on the top of his head... she cracks me up! Once again she assures me that there is nothing of baby Tripp's that she likes because he likes blue and she likes pink.

Juliette has been a BIG help to me. She will carry my bag down the stairs and makes sure that we have a bottle for him before going anywhere and pacifier. In the car if he is fussing she will even offer to put the paci in his mouth or announce to me that he must be hungry, Last week we were going to watch Don play soccer. He was loudly fussing in his car seat. Juliette was getting very annoyed. She finally tried to sing to him and of course that did not do anything. She looked at me and said, "Mommy I really wish we got one that listened to us." Then two minutes later she looked at me again and said, "Maybe we need to get a different one." I could not help but laugh out loud at the cuteness and innocence of a child.

Today my Mom and I took the kids to Summerville to our favorite park to take pictures for Tripp's one month old birthday today.

1 comment:

Susan K Huntington said...

Beautiful pics, Danette! What a lovely family you have! :). I must meet Baby Tripp soon. We will actually be in CHS tmr. I'll text you in the am to see what your day is like.