Sunday, June 19, 2011

Oh all the things that we have been up to lately... and there has been a lot

We have been so busy with so many fun things going on lately... We're enjoying every minute of our summer. I am taking this week off and having a staycation. Juliette and I are playing all week. I am looking very forward to it.

Juliette's new favorite words... "Mommy, I can do it all by myself"... she thanked my Mom the other day for being a great helper... Is she funny or what?

 Having the best weekend with our dear friends the Keeley's
 Juliette at the special event at Isle of Palms releasing some rare injured sea turtles that have been nursed back to good health
Look Mommy, I see a turtle... 

There were 3 turtles released and this was the smallest but rarest turtle

Juliette and her baby "slicky". Her other baby's name is "baba"... I am not sure where she comes up with these names.

"I love my friends... Mommy, do they ever have to go home?" 

 Why not be the scary witch at dinner time...
 Daddy's day brought a special boat ride with great friends. Thanks Chris and Jill for such a great ride today through the harbor

Juliette and Cecelia having a blast on the boat

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