Juliette turned 2 1/2 years old this past week. I know that I say it every time but it is so hard to believe. She is as sweet and funny as ever. Here are a few things that she has been saying:
Yogurt - Juliette calls it "yo-grit"
When I am changing a poo-poo I ofter tell her "Juliette the horse is gagging... (of course from the smell). This afternoon we were playing outside and she was filthy with dirt. I came in the kitchen and she was wiping her clothes with a napkin. I asked her what she was doing and she said "Mommy, but I don't want the horses to gag on me..."
She loves to watch anything Mickey Mouse and Angelina ballerina. It is so funny now because she actually gets the humor and when things are funny she laughs. She likes to say, "Mommy, that Mickey mouse is so silly."
She is still a wonderful sleeper and napper. She is still down each afternoon between two and three hours.
She eats anything still. I finally did find one thing that she is not very fond of - cottage cheese. She laughs every time she sees me eating it and says, "Mommy, I don't like cottage cheese"
She loves school. I drop her off and she gives me a "great big hug" and a "great big kiss". If she forgets she comes looking for me at the door.
She is such a blessing and we enjoy her more than words can describe!
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