What a personality you are developing. You have become quite particular on when and if you want your diaper changed. We have been working on the potty but your favorite thing to do while sitting is to make the sound "ssssss" with your mouth because you know that is the sound that you should be making but not with your mouth. We will just keep working on it. You have a definite favorite pair of shoes - they are red leather shoes. You insist on wearing them with everything. Mommy has had to hide them on occasion so that you will forget that they are around.
This past weekend you decided that you no longer want to sit in the high chair. You are ready for a big girl chair. Mommy found a little lion booster seat which straps into the chair. You love sitting with Mommy and Daddy on the same kind of chairs that they sit on.
You continue to talk and say new words. Today's new word was "hallo". It is always so exciting the first time that you say a new word.
Oh yes and yu are enjoying "mothering" the dogs as well. You heard Mommy say "No Gypsy" and five minutes later I turn around see you tapping Gypsy nose and saying "no..no..no.."
We love you precious baby! Happy 18 months old!
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