Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Her love of Dance and Music

I LOVE this age with Juliette! We have had an amazing year and 8 years old has proved to be much easier than seven years old. The mornings are easier, she wakes up sweeter and even some mornings is reminding me to get out the door!

She still LOVES to dance!

The joy and expression that comes out while dancing brings a smile to my face!

And then there is the piano that she really enjoys. The practicing part like most kids is not her favorite. There are 20 other things she would like to be doing. But to sit down and play for family or guests, she loves. She came home a few weeks ago and told me that she wanted to be in the school talent show. Most of the show is dancing with groups of kids from grades or a larger combined effort. No, she wanted to play the piano. I was actually nervous for her but then when I saw the confidence of her little face I knew she would be fine. 

She wanted to wear one of her favorite designed dresses from Tessa! She was not nervous in the least. She was the third performance and I could not have been more proud of her.

The sweet girl at the end could not wait to jump on the stage with some other school mates at the end of the show to just dance! She even had her little brother up there!

.... And the other creative side of her can turn anything into being fashionable! She took this adult dress, gave it a few knots and tweaks and convinced me it would be the perfect dress for her!

Even the little girl on the bike likes to be like "Fancy Nancy."

She truly leaves a "Sparkle in my heart!"

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