Friday, June 3, 2016

Quite the day!

I would call today a continuation of the "Endless Summer!" Juliette had quite the magical day at the ocean today. She and Doh had their own date sea kayaking. Juliette absolutely loved it to say the least!

I am not sure who had the better time, Juliette or Doh!

Juliette assured me that she and Doh would be going back next week. 

The first two videos are her first time at age 4 on the kayak with Doh out at Sullivans.

And this was today!

Just sayin'... I wanna have a summer like Juliette! 

And after the big beach morning it was followed by the biggest waffle cone they had at the shop. 

Juliette, "Doh spoiled me to the moon today!"


And last but not least all real wave surfers must have a shark's tooth necklace from the surf shop! 


Life's a beach!
Or something like that.... 

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