Monday, September 29, 2014

Lots of rain but feeling a bit cooler…

We have been up to all kinds of fun stuff lately… There have been more days of rain than you can imagine but we are getting some cooler weather. 

It was such a beautiful evening the other night, the kids and I took a little bike ride around the block three times. Juliette has become quite the pro on the bike!

Buckwheat the new bunny is still a huge hit at Tessa and Doh's house. Doh found a special leash to walk a bunny around with. As you can imagine Juliette would be ecstatic! That was her big treat on Saturday.

The Gamecocks had a terrible loss Saturday evening. It was nice to see that someone in the house was unphased...

We have found a few rainless days and during that time have been busy making "acorn cakes" in the pool...

And not even the rain could keep a smile off this sweet girl's face!

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