Tuesday, May 20, 2014

And with four days of school left....

We BREAK our arm! 

Last night Juliette did what she does 50 times a day and we warn her not to do.... she jumped and climbed up onto the counter in my office reaching for a stapler to create a book with.... well the balance was lost and there went Juliette straight to the floor! There was no screaming or anything like that because she is one of the toughest little girls when it comes to falling or bruising herself. She never cries. She did cry this time and her Daddy took a good look at the arm and was sure that it was broken. She had a huge field trip to the aquarium with her class the next morning that she really wanted to go on. Her Daddy made a splint out of a dishtowel and she slept the night in that and then went to the field trip the next morning. 

I brought her into Don's office the next day and they were ready to take an x-ray... she was actually quite brave in that large x-ray room.

Then we received the official diagnosis from Dr. Wilson that she had a fractured arm right above the wrist. It is called a buckle fracture and it was not in the growth plate area which was excellent. She was ready for cast... Mr. Richard, the cast tech in Don's office for 25 years did a wonderful job fixing her right up.

As her Daddy was at the hospital all day doing surgical cases, the staff took excellent care of us.

She was quite worn out from all of the excitement of the day!

She had stickers from the office making her an official member of the "Broken Bone Club." She enjoyed her experience so much at the office upon walking out she said, "Mommy, I can't wait to break my arm again or maybe next time I'll break my leg!"

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