Sunday, February 2, 2014

An ice storm in Charleston

Yes, you are hearing right! We had a full blown ice storm here in Charleston! We woke up Wednesday morning in great anticipation of snow and looked out the window to find pure ice! School was canceled, bridges were closed and no one was going anywhere. We enjoyed a day of simply hanging out in the house. The weather was freezing and there was really nothing even to play in outside. Juliette found one treasure that afternoon - an icicle to suck on!

And there is nothing more exciting that a surprise snow day which means a day to play with Tessa and Doh for the day!

Juliette and her "Tessa"… it was SO cold that Big Dog even needed to get dressed to brave out the chilly conditions...

Doh runs the famous "Cartoon Club" as Juliette calls it! The little monkeys can't get enough of Doh and Mickey!

Juliette made her first sewing project as well! I was so excited to get a pom pom that she created...

And a mermaid that she made out of the drumstick cone! The cold can bring on some great creativity!

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