Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Ahhh to look back in review of such a lovely Christmas! The activities started the night before with Church and a wonderful dinner at Tessa and Doh's house. The house was all quiet when Santa appeared at the door. There bells in the background and the children ran to the door. Sanat had arrived a tad bit early! He delivered a Mickey and a Minnie Mouse! We had some SUPER ecstatic children!

Tessa with all of her darlings!

We had a very late start to our list to Santa.... yes this could be very dangerous at the 10th hour of what she would like. I was able to steer her in the direction of items she wanted and I knew about. The only item she was insistent about was a "Big Allacorn!" I tried to explain to her that I was not even sure if Santa knew what an allacorn is (She claims it is a unicorn with wings... hmmm not sure on that one). She was so thankful that Santa was making another stop at our house and left him a big kiss with the letter.

We picked out some collards and an orange from Doh's garden along with an apple for the reindeer. We also left him a poppyseed roll made by Tessa because she was sure that a poppyseed roll would be at the top of Santa's list!

Two minutes after crawling into bed....

Assured the next morning that Santa indeed did love the poppyseed roll. He was so kind and even let her know that it was such a nice change from all the cookies that he receives.

Checking out the fire place the next morning for some signs of Santa...

Her excitement over her new Minnie scarf and hat and what she really wanted - her new RAINBOW LOOM! The loom takes me back to the friendship bracelets we used to make with embroidery floss. I sat with her and worked with her. 

Ul'Nanny and Trippy

Ul'Nanny and his Niece and Nephew

I mean is this guy a ham?? I promise I will keep this picture and pull it out at his rehearsal dinner someday!

Silly boy ready to wrap himself right up!

Daddy's very special present from my parents. A replica of a bone fish that he caught this fall int he Turks.

Yup... his first gun! It had to come from his Grandfather, Doh! It would only be fitting. This was a huge hit with the kids! I have head more pops over the last two days than you can imagine. 

And the girl is working some bracelets... that's what's up for Christmas day

So Ul'Nanny is the third generation owner now of the famous robe! Each year it gets passed down as a gag gift. Yup Ul'Nanny you're the lucky contestant! What began with Dad as the receiver has not been passed onto Don and now you!

A boy and his pop gun!

Yes Mommy it's time to relax with some warm hot chocolate, my fancy coat and my new pink boots in Tripp's new Mickey chair! She is a character!

And now look who is interested in the loom... yup, I told you it was addicting!

AND yes I was so exhausted Christmas night this was how I put my dear daughter to sleep - you got it   - in Tripp's 12-18 month jammies! Seriously! I never even noticed.... When she woke up the next morning she commented that something felt tight around her...

Wow! And that my friends spells an exhausted Mommy who has enjoyed with her family the Merriest of Christmases!

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