Wednesday, November 13, 2013

5 Year old well visit

Juliette has developed a severe aversion to the Doctor's office. She IS officially terrified of shots and would do just about anything to get out of them. I went to pick her up from school yesterday and she quickly remembered the appointment we had. There was a possibility of a shot and I did tell her so that she would not be surprised. Well, we walked into the office with Tripp and the questions, the wining and the tears all started at the same time. The Doctor took one look at her and said there was no way she would put her through a shot - she was afraid the poor baby's blood pressure would be through the roof.

Well, once she trusted that there would be no shot, she became very happy and answered all of the Doctor's questions with great excitement. Some I had to laugh at her answers...

The Doctor, "Juliette what would you do if there was a fire in your home..."
Juliette, "Well at school we learned to just run to the door, you don't have to get in a line you just run to the door..."
The Doctor, "And what would you do at home..."
Juliette, "I would run out the door.... but maybe I would pack my animals in my suitcase and grab pink blankie..."
Mommy, "Wouldn't you just run out the door? There would be no time for your animals right?"
Juliette, "Well I guess then I will pack them each night in the suitcase so when the fire comes they will all be ready!"

The Doctor, "Juliette what are your favorite foods?"
Juliette, "pasta, noodles, steak and dessert"

The Doctor, "Juliette do you like having a brother?"
Juliette, "Yes, I love my baby brother Trippy, he is the best baby brother in the whole world and he thinks I am the best big sister in the whole world!"

Juliette is 98th percentile in height so she is still very tall for her age. We survived the appointment and give thanks for a perfectly happy healthy little girl!

Post tears check up

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