Sunday, June 23, 2013

Meeting Dorthea Benton Frank

I had the opportunity to bid at Juliette's school's annual fundraiser for the next character in her book and a dinner out with her and six friends! Well the book is out and it has been SO much fun to read. Danette Stovall in the book is a super cool lady who comes out on top! I found out that she was going to be signing books at Costco here in Charleston so Mom, the kids and me took our books and headed over there. There was a long line and when I got up to her Juliette handed her the book and she greeted us. She began to talk to us and I looked at her and said, "I am Danette Stovall" She jumped out of her chair as she had no idea what I even looked at. The first thing she said to me is "I am so tired of writing your name." She was SO much fun and we got some pictures and talked for a good ten minutes. She apologized to the line and let them know that it would be a few minutes - you were looking at one of the main characters in her book!

Just a SUPER fun evening! I can't wait to have the dinner soon!

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