Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy BELATED 11 months old

Mama gets some credit for taking the pictures on the right date but posting them a little late. Each month the pictures get a little bit more hilarious and in trying to get a good shot, a little bit longer. As you will be able to see below, Tripp is BUSY! HE is into everything! There are so many things that he is into different from Juliette. One of his favorite little games is to pull dirt and leaves out of plants that are on the floor. You can walk down the hall and see potted dirt laying around. He continues to pull up and walk around tables and push things while standing constantly. He is looking close to walking but has not done so yet. Also he is still  babbling like crazy. The only remote word that we can make out is "dog" and that has really only been a mumble here and there!

So we began and got the "Oh fun... look what Mommy just put on me! Let's see how fast I can grab it!

NEXT step... distraction... 

"Where did the super fun sticker go?"

I am thinking I am way too fast for you Mommy... Off goes the sticker!

Now we're talking... this is fun! Let's play crumble up the sticker!

A Successful game!

So Mommy resorts to the only way to get my age in there...

SO long 11 months!

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