Friday, November 23, 2012

Tripp is 9 months old

Aww my sweet baby boy is none months old! HE just gets cuter and funnier by the day. He is crawling so fast now you have to keep eyes on him ALL the time! He is working on pulling up and before you know it he will be walking. He laughs all the time and no one can make him laugh as much as his big sister can. Juliette gets him going in the back seat and he laughs so hard at some points you would think that he is crying. It is hilarious!

He is babbling away and really listening to things now. It will be a just a matter of time before he is saying something. Lord knows it better be "Mama" (Ha)

Look at me way up here....

Now to carefully figure out how to get down...

Boom.. on the floor... not too bad

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