Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tripp's first food - yummy rice cereal...

Okay so not really so yummy at all... formula mixed with some rice cereal seems less than appetizing to me as well. Tripp was thinking the same thing. He was not fond of the texture and was really not sure what to do with it at all. Juliette was laughing watching him try to get it down.

Juliette pulled out the cheerios when we told her we were going to feed him "rice cereal." We also included the picture of Juliette with her first taste of food. She was much more excited about it than Tripp was. There was not a food though that Juliette did not like even at that age and that holds true today.

We will try him with some fruits and vegetables gradually in the next week or so.

This is the picture of Juliette in the frame in the center with her first taste of food..

"Really... no thanks."

"I think my fingers are much yummier than my food."

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