Friday, December 9, 2011

"Stodda" - the Elf on the Shelf

We have a new friend who came along this Christmas and he was fondly named by "Stodda" by Juliette. If y'all are not familiar with the Elf on the Shelf, it is the cutest thing. Each night the Elf moves when he returns from the North Pole. He is giving Santa a report on how Juliette behaved that day. Each morning she goes running to find Stodda and make sure that he has returned.

I was at the chidlrens' toy store about a month ago and really was not familiar with it before that, but the author and girl who came up with the idea was there signing books and Elves. Of course, I had to get Juliette started on it.

All of our Christmas decorations are officially up and we are almost all ready for the holidays. Today we put the nativity up and Juliette made a nativity ornament for her tree today at school. They do such cute things!

Stodda's first night arriving at the house. He chose the tree as his first arrival spot.

Look Mommy! I see him!
Since he is magical, Stodda cannot be touched. Hence, why you are seeing Juliette leave her distance between her and Stodda for the picture.

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