Tuesday, November 29, 2011

kids are so funny at this age

So after school Juliette had these big scratches on her neck. I could not figure out what it was from - I should have just thought to ask her because when I did she was very excited to tell me that,

"Jude (her little girlfriend) was scratching me like a puppy dog. Then mommy, Ms. Stephanie came over and said, we cannot scratch our friends like puppy dogs..."

Juliette is so hot and sweaty on the playground their imaginations are just in over drive at three. They go on adventure each day with each other and Juliette is sure to tell me that she invites Jake everyday to play with the girls. "It is okay Mommy that he is a boy and I tell everyone that Jake can play with us."

Too too cute!

By the way - the scratch is much better today and hardly noticeable.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

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